What is Surgical Mesh?
Transvaginal surgical mesh is a medical piece of equipment that is typically used to mend weakened or injured tissue. This mesh implant device can be composed of a variety of materials including:
- Non-absorbable synthetic material
- Porous absorbable synthetic material
- Absorbable biologic material
In the medical field of urogynecology, surgical mesh is implanted permanently to repair weakened tissue in the pelvic area in the treatment of pelvic organ prolapse or stress urinary incontinence. In stress urinary incontinence (SUI), Ethicon surgical mesh is used to support the urethra in order to prevent urine leakage during physical activity. In pelvic organ prolapse (POP), Ethicon surgical mesh is used to reinforce the vaginal wall to prevent the sinking (prolapse) of pelvic organs including the bladder, uterus, rectum, vaginal apex, and bowels.
Ethicon Surgical Mesh Complications
In 2008, the United States Food and Drug Administration issued their first warning regarding the safety of surgical mesh in the treatment of SUI and POP. In this primary safety communication, the FDA cited mesh erosion, organ perforation, infection, pain, urinary problems, and recurrence of SUI/POP as complications that come from the transvaginal use of surgical mesh. The FDA did not link these complications to any one particular brand or model of mesh, so this means that Ethicon mesh products would be covered under this warning.
In 2011, the FDA expounded upon their initial surgical mesh warning and made some additional statements. In this Safety Communication, the FDA added “mesh contraction” as a previously unidentified surgical mesh complication. Also, this 2011 mesh warning stated that erosion through the vaginal walls was the “most common and consistently reported mesh-related complication.” In 2012, the FDA also reclassified Ethicon Surgical mesh used transvaginally as a class III device.
Ethicon Surgical Mesh Lawsuits
At present, there are several lawsuits pending against Ethicon as well as several other medical device companies regarding surgical mesh products used in pelvic organ prolapse and stress urinary incontinence. Some of these cases have been consolidated into federal vaginal mesh multidistrict litigation, while others are still being handled on the state level. If you have been injured by Ethicon surgical mesh, or another vaginal product, you may have a potential law suit.
Consult with an Ethicon Surgical Mesh Attorney
The Willis Law Firm is currently assessing the lawsuit claims of surgical mesh victims nationwide. With over 25 years of legal service specializing in personal injury and product liability, our firm is well equipped to handle your claim. We do not bill our clients legal or attorney fees unless a recovery is obtained in their favor. You have nothing to lose; call the Willis Law Firm today for your free Ethicon Surgical mesh law suit evaluation today!