The use of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor antidepressants by pregnant women is believed to increase the risk of having a child born with several debilitating birth injuries, including Transposition of Great Arteries (TGA). At this point in time, these SSRI medications are still available for prescription to pregnant women resulting in further instances of these birth defects. The components of Zoloft (and other antidepressants) are believed to adversely affect several key parts of fetal development including cardiac, cranial, neural tube, and stomach wall development. The consequence of all of this information has resulted numerous lawsuits filed against the manufacturers of these damaging medications.
Zoloft Transposition of Great Arteries
The congenital heart defect of Transposition of the Great Arteries is present when the placement of the two primary arteries is inverted. This incorrect positioning results in harmful abnormalities in how blood is circulated throughout the entire body. In an infant with Zoloft TGA, there will be a deficit in the amount of oxygen in the blood. This oxygen shortage results in an inability for many key bodily functions. Transposition of Great Arteries is only one on a long list of birth defects that have been linked to taking SSRI antidepressants like Zoloft during pregnancy. Other antidepressants linked to TGA include: Paxil, Effexor, Lexapro, Prozac, and Celexa.
Zoloft TGA Treatment and Complications
Corrective surgery is performed quickly following diagnosis of Zoloft TGA in order to give the baby the best possible chance for a successful recovery. Sometimes prior to surgery for this defect, treatment with medication and a procedure called an atrial septostomy will be used in order to stabilize the patient’s condition. As far as surgeries are concerned, Zoloft transposition of the great arteries’ options includes an arterial switch operation and an atrial switch operation. Following surgery, the baby will need to be under the care of a cardiologist for the remainder of his/her life in order to monitor the defect and spot any complications early. Sometimes, despite having received surgery, a patient with Zoloft TGA will develop leaky heart valves, arrhythmias, constricted coronary arteries, and even heart failure later in life.
Transposition of Great Arteries Lawsuit: Zoloft Lawyer
If your child was born with Transposition of Great Arteries (or other birth defect) following prenatal exposure to Zoloft (of other antidepressant), you may be legally entitled to monetary compensation. Call the Willis Law Firm today for a free consultation in order to see if a Zoloft lawsuit is the right course of action for you and your family. Our firm of talented legal professionals is ready to answer any questions you may have regarding this legal process. The Willis Law Firm, while located in Houston, is currently accepting antidepressant lawsuit cases nationwide.